Carpet page from Lindisfarne Gospels inspired the floor

Floor process

Floor inspired by Lindisfarne Gospels

Early white model

White model

Ruins of the old Kreuzkirche, Dresden, by Bernardo Bellotto, 1765

Ray Metzker Inspiration: Repetitious and machine-like

Ruins of War

Columns and rotating wall set up in shop

Throne and column tops carved out of foam (carved and painted by myself)

Setting up for the preview in the park Twelve decks make up the stage floor

Raised platform with columns and rotating wall

Henry IV banners

Banners were eventually pinned down due to wind

Stairway into Boar's Head

Rebels and Eastcheap folk utilize the scaffolding

Rehearsal in the park

In the tavern

Hotspur and Falstaff during battle

After touring through prison facilities, the set was fit into the Penthouse Theatre

Rotating wall no longer used